Radio Webcast units

In 2007, BCD Audio developed a control system for the UK Parliament to automatically PTZ Cameras around the Westminster Committee rooms in response to control information from the room audio controllers. Later, a 1U SDI-SD video switcher was created, optimised to the market requirement, and exploited BCD Audio’s FPGA expertise. The SDI-SD outputs were directly synthesised, the audio processed and embedded to Video with the FPGA, and the simple control requirement embedded by the Picoblaze microcontroller core. Black-burst outputs with programmable time-delay synchronised the Cameras.
The concept was further developed in 2011 to meet the newly created interest in Radio webcasting.
The 1U Webcast-4 and 2U Webcast-6 featured direct Audio triggers to camera switching, eliminating the need for additional equipment. The programme audio was embedded to the SDI-SD outputs as before.
PTZ control of the Cameras were not required in radio studios, so that a single BCD Audio unit with Cameras completed the installation. A compatible PAL input module with frame-store was developed to let low-cost Camcorder grade cameras to be used.
By 2018, the rise of VOIP, HDMI and HD video demand had rendered the unit obsolete, and it was withdrawn from sale.