Prototyping and test
BCD Audio has always built low volume and custom units in-house.
We can assist your company with your own particular problems; maybe you need to get a one off prototype built or reworked? Maybe a bit of extra test or exploration of a problem?
We can help!

Surface mount prototype manufacture
BCD Audio has its own surface mount capability, which is suitable for prototype and low volume work. We also maintain a stores with common 0805 parts.
The Essemtec screener uses Tecan Genesis foils for solder pasting.
The Cat-90 semi-automatic component placer is good for low-volume placement, and works from a Carousel and loose parts; components on reels are not required. The custom written software can import a pick-place file and be ready for use with a minimum of setup time.
The reflow oven completes the surface mount process by heating the solder paste, centralising and soldering the components.
Finally, a JBC rework station with heated tweezers allows small components and a hot-air nozzle with metal shields allows larger components and integrated circuits to be removed.
Parts are then replaced with fine solder, solder flux and a good deal of skill!
Surface mount production manufacture
BCD Audio can organise production manufacture through its contacts by sub-contract. Be aware however, that minimum production run quantities generally exceed 20 off, and the majority of components will have to be reeled and must be to hand before manufacture can occur.

Conventional parts manufacture
Once the surface mount parts have been soldered and inspected, the conventional parts are hand-soldered for prototype and limited production runs. A limited amount of surface mount rework can be done at this stage as well.
Initial test and programming
Initial test is to power up the card, maybe in a test jig, and check that all power rails are present and correct. The supply current is monitored and any reasons for excess current identified and cured before proceeding further.
BCD Audio have Programming adaptors for Xilinx FPGA, JTAG ARM and Silabs dongles, and can program devices if required.
Test and performance verification
BCD Audio have Lindos and Dscope audio test equipment, which are used for audio performance verification, against industry and unit specific standards.
Video equipment can be tested for PAL, SDI-SD and SDI-HD systems.
We also have a good set of more basic equipment, a waveform synthesiser and frequency counter.
We use Tektronix Oscilloscopes, one with built in Logic analyser if needed. These are capable to 300MHz and can save results to file if required. Networked products are verified against Wired Ethernet and Wi-Fi networks, with Wireshark, Web Browsers and user software.
EMC performance can be verified inside a screened chamber with a Hameg Spectrum analyser if need be. ( Good for qualitative testing : we advise proper testing in an EMC laboratory before committing to production: Something we have experience of, and can assist with.)
PAT testing and more specialist mains test equipment is available.