Where we will be showing our many new products and introducing the new 20s4 – 24bit Digital Audio where dynamic range has been mastered!
The exhibition is being run by Resolution Magazine, on behalf of the Institute of Professional Sound ( IPS ), and is at Ealing Town Hall, Saturday 26th September from 11AM to 5PM.
Entrance is free to visitors, and more information is to be found at www.resolutionmag.com
BCD Audio will have the following items on show.
The BCD black box range of units, including the ALT-1 automatic microphone amplifier that is hiding underneath so many Newsroom desks, Weather booths, and at unattended camera installations worldwide.
The new 1U Installer-4 rack mount unit, which takes up to four BCD Audio Eurocards with Piglets, and has dual redundant PSUs as standard. This unit replaces the Installer-12 unit.
The 1U DAVE mixer, which mixes Audio from Video and routes back to AES3 and Video streams, and can be found in video edit suites.
The 1U AMU audio monitor unit, with PPM like bargraphs, Analogue, AES3 and HD SDI input options. The unit on display has been specially adapted to automatically recognise the new 20S4 high dynamic range signal.
Finally, and by no means lastly, Deep Thought has decided that the answer to life, the universe and everything is not 42, but is actually 20S4! The 20S4 signal is transportable by todays 24bit digital links in AES3, MADI, SDI but has a dynamic range equivalent to 32bit PCM. This has the potential to eliminate digital clip, and to allow full dynamic range stage boxes in future. BCD will have an experimental test box on the stand, where for the first time, a 0dBFS signal can be boosted, and brought back to normal levels by our AMU without clip.
Mike and his team look forward to seeing you there.